Water Turned Off
Do not turn this off. After these have both been opened up and turned on let the water completely drain from the lowest facet. Kawama Hoa Announcements Kawama Water Shut Off 05 18 18 Present water leaks would be the only time to turn water off and the heater off for safety. Water turned off . The risk of compromising your water pipe outweighs the benefits you can get from a water line that only leaked for a few hours. Its quick and easy to do and it lets you have one less worry while youre away. If a faucet is dripping or a toilet is runningor if a leak develops in a refrigerator ice maker dishwasher washing machine or any appliance supplied by wateryour first and best choice is to shut off the water right at that fixture or appliance. Reassemble the faucet and turn the water supply on. When your water is turned off cold water stops flowing into your plumbing system from the outside meaning that a tank-type or hybrid heater stops being able to refill with more water. Turn ...