Do It Yourself Storm Window
DoItYourself Storm Windows. Interior storm windows usually utilize weatherstripping to create a superior seal. Make Removable Interior Storm Windows Dty Mother Earth News Then close the bottom sash and screw in the sides of the window. Do it yourself storm window . If you have a newer house that is likely a recessed section of drywall and for old houses the best place is usually on top of the interior stops. Just put a piece of thick masking tape over the areathat you intend to cut to reduce burrs and chips. Make sure you screw into the edges of the storm window so you do not crack the plexiglass. The exterior storm window prevents the outside air from penetrating the exterior window and entering your cozy room. Triple track combination windows and screen storm windows are designed for installation over double. Magnetic storm windows are easy to uninstall as well. After fastening the vinyl storm windows caulk the bottom edge. Build your own low-cost storm windows ...