
Showing posts with the label hills

Get Rid Of Ant Hills

Vinegar is another effective natural home remedy to get rid of ant hills. Getting rid of ant hills can be a major challenge for three reasons. Natural Garden Pest Control Rid Of Ants Get Rid Of Ants Termite Control Usually ants flee from the strong smell of vinegar and so the only way to actually make it have an effect on the anthill in your back yard is by mixing it with water and using the mixture to flood the ant tunnels. Get rid of ant hills . This is another excellent natural home remedy to. Getting Rid of Ant Hills Naturally Best Natural Methods to Use If you have kids then you may rethink using chemicals and opt for natural remedies since the chemicals may be harmful to the kids if they come to contact with them. Apply vinegar inside the anthill When you find access to the anthills you can add a little vinegar to kill the insect. How to Get Rid of Ant Hills The best way to kill ant hills is by wiping out the whole colony. So if your lawn is 100sqm youll need 4 sache...