Patching A Large Hole In Drywall
Learn to Repair a Large Hole in a Drywall Ceiling like the pros do - YouTube. Insert the patch and secure with as few screws as necessary to hold it in place. Drywall Repair Repairing Large Holes With The Stud To Stud Method The Practical House Painting Guide Scrape away loose debris from the hole. Patching a large hole in drywall . Insert the plywood into the hole center it and drive several drywall screws to secure it in place. You can repair large holes in drywall by cutting a patch of drywall and holding it in place by securing it with screws or wood backing strips. Once the drywall patch is secure use tape and apply joint. Ad Save Up To 76 Off Your Subscription To Fine Homebuilding Magazine. Cover the hole or dent with fast-drying spackle to bring the spackle level with the drywall surface and let it dry 24 hours -- or the time recommended by the manufacturers instructions. To finish apply mesh tape and joint compound to the seams. Once you know you have the ...