
Showing posts with the label calculator

Carpenter Calculator App

Building materials total cost dimensions estimation software and more. C-Calc is a calculator application designed by and for construction workers or anyone else who works with measurements in feet and inches. Construction Calculator App Free For Android Apk Download Construction Calc is a free calculator application designed by and for construction workers carpenters engineers or anyone else who works with measurements in feet and inches or in metric. Carpenter calculator app . Construction CalculatorConcreteSteelBricks etc is an Android Productivity app that is developed by Aink Studio and published on Google play store on NA. Carpenter Calculator lets you calculate feet and inches easily and display the results on a visual tape measure. C-Calc is a full function calculator that works as a standard calculator but more importantly allows you to work in feet inches and fractional inches and meters centimeters and millimeters. All these are the main part of home constructio...