Flushing Cooling Systems
Removes harmful deposits and scale. Learn how to flush your cooling system including the radiator heater core and engine block. Thermocure Cooling System Rust Remover Dsport Magazine The proper way to perform a cooling system flush is to first add a cleaning solution to the cooling system the generator set is then run for about 15 minutes to ensure that the cleaning agents are properly circulated throughout the system. Flushing cooling systems . There are two different methods for flushing your water cooling system. Designed to help remove rust scale buildup and deposits. I go though every step to SUPER FLUSH your cooling system compl. Whats the process of a Cooling System Flush. Flush until the water runs clear. Next the system is drained of the old coolant. If your idea of a quality cooling system flush includes the words Five Minute Flush or if you have the idea that youll complete this flush during half-time then your flushing results will not be very good. Sp...