
Showing posts with the label regrout

How To Regrout Shower Tile

Plus you dont have to remove any tiles to do it. If you are working in a bathroom put all the plugs in as it stops any dust and old grout. How To Professionally Regrout A Tile Shower Pay extra attention to the bottom section because that is usually the area with the most mildew. How to regrout shower tile . Dont worry about being a bit sloppy here you can tidy it up afterwards. Wipe over the tiles to remove the dust. Remove the old grout Use a carbide grit grout saw to remove the old loose grout. Scrub with an abrasive rag or rig a nylon bristle drill attachment. Want to take it a step further. Do not leave the grout haze sit overnight because it can be extremely difficult to remove. The angled offset handle lets you apply heavy pressure as the blade is scraped over the gaps. Regrouting is a two-step process by which you first remove the hardened old grout from the seams or joints between tiles with an oscillating tool ideally and some manual scraping. After the s...