Installing New Light Fixture
If desired more lights can be added after that by running new cable to each new light box. I was able to wipe away the ring the old fixture left but if I look closely I can see where the old was. How To Replace A Light Fixture With A Ceiling Fan How Tos Diy Installing a new light fixture is not hard at all. Installing new light fixture . Switch the circuit off. How To Install a Light Fixture - YouTube. When you insert both wire ends into a wire nut they easily twist around each other on the endsand keep the hot ends safe once the power is on. Then screw in the light bulbs that may be included in your. To make locating several fixtures in a straight line easier stretch a string between two nails or screws along the line where you want the center of the lights to be. Installing a new light fixture is a great way to instantly change a drab room into a dazzling one. This is a pretty straightforward project and doesnt require cutting the sidings of the. Visit my channe...